When growing vegetables, there are several options to proceed according to specific needs. One of them is to grow without using crop netting in vegetable crops. A technique that, although it has some advantages, also has disadvantages.
The main reason for not using crop netting in vegetable crops is because its application is not practical for several types of vegetables. This is mainly due to the fact that there are varieties that are much more demanding in their growth. Being necessary for their cultivation certain extra care. In the same way, there are vegetables of more lax growth that do not require the same control conditions.
However, the absence of crop netting in vegetable crops can have several disadvantages. First, the lack of crop netting in vegetable crops prevents uniform harvests, while increasing the time spent on pest control. This is because in the absence of standards, any strain of attacking insects can invade a crop area more quickly and without control. The crop netting in vegetable crops, however. Allows trapping and containing a large part of the insects or parasites, preventing their elongation over time.
On the other hand, the crop netting in vegetable crops helps prevent animals that attack crops
Such as rabbits, birds, mice and rabbits, from entering the crop area. While fencing is a safe method of preventing attacks, it is also expensive and cannot always be complet. In contrast, crop netting in vegetable crops at once manages to contain any intruders. Thus avoiding the economic problem and problems of completing the process.
An additional problem relates to certain irregularities in the terrain. Areas with excessive slopes or unevenness in the soil require the use of crop netting in vegetable crops to help stabilize and increase crop support. The use of netting also helps establish a more durable structural unit on land with a certain degree of eroded soil. It also prevents the formation of puddles or flooded areas during long periods of rain. Not only does this make for more uniform harvests.

But the crop netting in vegetable crops also contributes to the rational use of water.
As it allows for a longer survival of water in the crop. Therefore, although the application of crop netting in vegetable crops seems to be a very costly solution, in the long term it is much more advisable. Since it avoids many structural problems in horticultural crops. In other words, its use is reinforced by the fact that it is a highly profitable technique in the long term that considerably complicates erosion processes. Thus preserving the soil from considerable deterioration and nutrient impoverishment.
Damage caused by falling vegetables in a crop
Vegetable drop is a phenomenon that occurs when the crop is in the middle of harvest. Which causes problems for farmers. Among the damages generate by vegetable drop are reduce yield, increased production costs. Reduced crop profitability and indirect economic impact on consumers.
Crop decline can have significant effects on crop profitability. This is because those vegetables that suffer a drop during harvest, without being harvest. Will decrease the amount of product available on the market. Which in turn could mean a lower selling price and lower profits for the farmer. One of the consequences of the drop in vegetables is an increase in production costs. This is due to the fact that farmers will have to make greater efforts in packing. Harvesting or accumulating the fallen production, which will represent an increase in the labor budget. Likewise, the increase in production costs may be detectable at both the local and national levels. And will be related to the use of inputs needed for production.
In addition, among the damages generated by the fall of vegetables is the economic impact it can have on consumers. This happens because if the number of vegetables harvested is lower than it should be, this will mean that there will be less product available for consumers, which will increase prices. On the other hand, in the case of high quality vegetables. These can be affect by decomposition in the field, which will increase the price of the final product.

It should be noted that the drop in vegetables means a reduction in the total amount of produce
This means that growers will have to develop strategies to minimize vegetable drop to ensure an optimal amount of production that does not suffer from a drop. These strategies include the use of greater amounts of labor for harvesting when necessary, as well as the adoption of modern technologies to help improve safety and product quality.
Vegetable drop is a phenomenon that generates different problems for farmers and consumers. This is due to the damage it causes, such as reduced yields and increased production costs. Although these situations are difficult to overcome, it is important that farmers adopt strategies that allow them to minimize the fall of vegetables to maintain the quantity and quality of the product as well as the profitability of their crops.
Dangers of contamination of a vegetable crop if it comes into contact with the soil.
Soil contamination is a major concern for growers working with vegetable crops. If the soil becomes contaminated with anything, such as pesticides, chemicals, wastewater or residues, it can negatively affect the health and yield of the vegetable garden. Soil contamination can also be hazardous to human health if food is grown in contaminated soil.
Farmers should be aware of the factors that can cause soil contamination and take steps to prevent it. The first precaution is to understand the structure and location of the orchard to prevent the movement of materials, chemicals and microbes through the soil. Soil remediation activities where soil is removed, filled and disturbed can also contribute to soil contamination.
One of the factors that can contaminate soil include the use of pesticides and fertilizers. The contribution of chemicals to the atmosphere due to industry or traffic, and the discharge of wastewater. Farmers should consider each of these factors and, if there are any that affect them, take steps to avoid contamination. To minimize the risk of soil contamination, farmers would also want to establish organic farming practices and allow orchards to contain fewer pesticide chemicals.

One of the most common dangers of soil contamination for farmers is the fact that chemicals in the soil can pass through the plant and then be consumed by humans
These contaminants can penetrate the root and sap and become part of the food grown. This contamination can cause a variety of health problems. From digestive problems and skin irritation to serious illnesses such as cancer. Farmers should also be aware of the potential health risks to farmers who come into contact with contaminated soil. Inhalation of contaminated soil particles can cause secondary respiratory health problems, such as asthma. Prolonged exposure to contaminated soil can also affect mental and emotional health. Finally, farmers should be wary of organochlorine chemicals, such as pesticides, which can accumulate and remain in the soil for years after application.
Therefore, avoiding soil contamination is a key to safe and healthy food production. Establishing preventative measures is essential to keep the soil free of contamination. These measures include purchasing safe equipment and fertilizers, monitoring soil quality, training orchard workers in chemical safety, controlling industrial and vehicular contamination, allowing organic fertilization, and maintaining a general safe practice to ensure soil health. In this way, farmers can safely grow healthy food without endangering consumers.